Kamis, 03 November 2011

Teh Resna Wedding :)

30 October 2011, the day of my aunty's wedding party!
The Bride andthe groom looks so handsome and beautifull!!
Ijab-qabul moment felt so hikmat

                                            yes, here they are, when the Ijab Qabul showed on

Alhamdulillah udah sah suami istri :)

And this is a part of our "Narsis" pictures as the "Pagar Ayu" with a purple cute unyu dress :p
we looks like A girls Band AHAHAHAHA

 we are not ready yet,but looks so natural hahahaha
 w/ gian and davy. 2 from 4 my brothers. so limited boys here 

 LIKE this pict SO MUCH! Shelby look so natural beauty :*
 HAHAHA funny pict!
 cantik-cantiknya sepupuku :)
 w/ pagar bagus Fauzan and others 

 foto bareng pengantin baruuuuuu :D
i love this pict! hey, Chibby! hahahaa

So happy for the wedding! terharu banget waktu liat pengantin jalan di red carpet dengan slow motion serasa dunia milik mereka berdua, dan dengan senyuman lebar mereka berdua yang menjujukkan betapa bahagianya mereka saat itu. jadi ngebayangin gimana pernikahan gw nanti. mengandai andai saat take a lot and happy picts for prewedding. hemmmm... look so amazing in my dreams! 
"I wanna meet a special man in the special time :)" just knowing each others, share our sad and happiness together, make a promise for living together for a looooonggg time and make it long lasting and happy ending. wuaaaaaaah seneg banget rasanya kalo itu semua tercapai ntar, dan gue yakin pasti akan datang waktunya gw nemuin orang yang udah Allah tujukan buat gue :) just waiting for the special time. and really hope that's not only in my dreams but really happen someday. AMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN YA ALLAH :D

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